Mr. Go is a sports comedy that tells the story of a young gorilla from a Chinese circus that is trained to be a professional baseball player in South Korea. The story is based on the popular Korean comic "The 7th Team". The Skywalker was used to fly the 3D Camera Set-Up (2 RED Epics that were mounted on a Libra Head) through the stadium. To set the camera up and make it possible to fly into any position on the field inside the stadium, the Skywalker rig was set up using 4 massive cranes on each side of the stadium. To help make this particular imagination come true we used 8 winches to be able to carry the weight of the camera and add additional speed. This way we were able to make the system fly at a top speed of 12 m/s in all directions!
With the data of the VFX Team, the integration of the libra moves and repeatability of the Skywalker, we managed to fly motion repeat flight`S over hundreds of meters next to people faces.
No hands on the sticks, only autopilot. The data was so correct that the VFX Team even used them to mix up big crowed mapping sequences.
In 6 days of shooting we managed to program and fly more that 50 setups!
A fantastic and ambitious plan, with great success!
Thanks to the great Korean Team, Timmy on the wheels, Jan on the keyboard and CHUCK everywhere!